Friday, February 16, 2007

On y vas

My walk home last night was reminiscent of Dr. Zhivago's trek through the Russian Tundra….it is only a great relief then, that in 48 hours, I will be soaking up 25C sunshine (and smog) in New Delhi!!!

I’m off for a 2-month jaunt in India and Thailand. And I just can’t believe it has happened so fast! I’ve had an incredible time in Toronto, an invaluable professional experience, and made life-long friends.

So…thank you! Thank you to all of you who have touched my life, who have mentored me over the past two years, and who have made an indelible impression on my life.


At 3:10 AM, Blogger Shahriar said...

Try to get to the tiger reserve in Ranthambore and the bird sactuary in Bharatpur. Both are excursions that can be done out of Delhi and if your lucky you may still catch the Siberian cranes in Bharatpur.
And Happy Holi!! - did you get out there and joing the fun? has anyone introduced you to thandai yet?


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