Monday, January 15, 2007

To Be a Witness

Growing up, I used to dread the first snowfall of the year. I knew it meant settling down for what was often a long, cold winter. This morning, January 14, was the first real snowfall of the year in Toronto. And, what a delight! This wasn’t just a flurry; this was huge, fluffy white snowflakes that make perfect snowmen… I got out the door as quickly as possible for a walk and some reflection on the past few days…

The weekend started with a simple text message: “Tara! It’s your cousin! I’m in town for the night…are you free?” Now, this isn’t just any cousin, but my childhood FAVORITE cousin who lives in Mumbai, India. It was lovely to spend time with her, catching up and enjoying each others company after 10 years apart.

And today, as I walked through the streets of my neighborhood, enjoying each step, each breath, and each snowflake as they settled on my nose and eyelashes, I gained such an appreciation of Toronto: The mature trees, the mismatched houses, the families congregating outside of an old, Orthodox Church. I watched with interest as everyone around me ran through the streets trying to get out of the snow, and hardly took the time to breathe or enjoy…

As I walked through the streets, the same Ben Harper song kept running through my head: “I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed to be a witness... ...Gather ‘round for today won’t come again”

I felt such a huge sense of calm and contentment. A feeling that now, now that I’ve decided to leave Toronto…I am also falling in love with Toronto.


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Assem said...

it snowed! So it doesnt snow all season and pours just before i arrive! I dunno how i feel about that!


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